Hot yoga is a popular yoga style, offering benefits like stress reduction, strength and flexibility. Hot yoga can, however, stimulate the body to execute workouts more effectively than regular yoga. The heated environment allows for enhanced muscle flexes that will increase metabolic activity and increase weight loss.

Additionally, hot yoga has the potential to give your heart, lungs, and muscles a more effective, more intense workout.

Hot yoga and Bikram yoga are frequently regarded as the same form of yoga because both are practised in high temperatures. Unlike Bikram yoga, hot yoga is, however, not restricted to a particular temperature.

Bikram yoga is practised in a room heated to 41°C with 40% humidity. It consists of 26 poses and two breathing exercises performed in the same order in each class. Classes are usually 90 minutes long.

On the other hand, hot yoga merely refers to a room that has been heated above average room temperature. The temperature can be set to whatever level the yoga instructor desires, but it is usually between 27 and 38°C.

Hot yoga sessions can include a variety of poses, and the length of each class varies from studio to studio. Furthermore, unlike Bikram yoga, which is a more serious and quiet practice, hot yoga frequently includes music and more interaction among the students.

Regardless of the temperature of the room, both hot yoga and Bikram yoga aim to provide mental relaxation as well as physical fitness. A heated environment can make yoga more difficult to practise, but the benefits may be worth it, especially if you want to improve one of the areas listed below.

Hot yoga, when done correctly and safely, can provide the following benefits: . . .  (read more)

Source: Health24