This study was conducted to investigate the effect of Pilates and yoga participating in their functional movement and individual health level. Ninety volunteers were randomly...

"God saw that the LIGHT was GOOD." Genesis 1:4
Discover the Energizing Power of Heat and Light!
This website provides information and resources on the different ways the use of wavelengths of LIGHT (such as Near Infrared, Red Light Therapy) and HEAT when exercising (such as Hot Pilates, Hot Yoga) can help enhance your exercise routine, health and well-being.
Learn about Red Light and Near Infrared Therapy:
Transcranial, Red/Near-Infrared Light-Emitting Diode Therapy to Improve Cognition in Chronic Traumatic Brain Injury
We review the general topic of traumatic brain injury (TBI) and our research utilizing transcranial photobiomodulation (tPBM) to improve cognition in chronic TBI using...
This study was done to identify the effect of pilates exercises on the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. Design: A quasi experimental was conducted on university student...
Effects of low level laser therapy (808 nm) on physical strength training in humans
Recent studies have investigated whether low level laser therapy (LLLT) can optimize human muscle performance in physical exercise. This study tested the effect of LLLT on...
Can red light therapy – a powerful treatment with no side effects – restore hair growth on a balding scalp? Red light therapy is a powerful form of therapy that has been...
Photobiomodulation (earlier terms: low level laser therapy, LLLT, laser biostimulation) has been used in clinical practice for >40 years by now, and its action mechanisms...
In this presentation we’re going to find out if red light therapy can help you build bigger muscles and the body you want – whether it’s to help you win that upcoming...
Does red light therapy actually work to improve skin health and give us other benefits? Sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it. Well to my suprise, there’s some...
Effects of transcranial photobiomodulation with near-infrared light on sexual dysfunction
Transcranial photobiomodulation (t-PBM) consists of the delivery of near-infrared (NIR) or red light to the scalp designed to penetrate to subjacent cortical areas of the...
How to Use Red and Near-Infrared Light Therapy for Anti-Aging, Fat Loss, Muscle Gain, Performance Enhancement, and Brain Optimization BOOK...
BOOK DESCRIPTION: Supercharge your Health Without Negative Side Effects! Imagine a world without toxic drugs and endless lists of side effects. A...
More Posts
Wondering what Red Light and Near Infrared Light Therapy is all about? Red and near-infrared light are part of the electromagnetic spectrum, and more...
Here is a quick overview of Red Light Therapy devices you can buy through our affiliate link plus additional information on how to use the devices...