Matthew Farrahi talks about his experience using Red Light Therapy. He is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist through the National Strength & Conditioning...
"God saw that the LIGHT was GOOD." Genesis 1:4
Discover the Energizing Power of Heat and Light!
This website provides information and resources on the different ways the use of wavelengths of LIGHT (such as Near Infrared, Red Light Therapy) and HEAT when exercising (such as Hot Pilates, Hot Yoga) can help enhance your exercise routine, health and well-being.
Learn about Red Light and Near Infrared Therapy:
Sunlight and health: shifting the focus from vitamin D3 to photobiomodulation by red and near-infrared light
Both sun exposure and serum vitamin D levels have been associated with lower risks of all-cause mortality and chronic age-related diseases, e.g., cancer, diabetes and...
Effects of Pilates and trunk strengthening exercises on health-related quality of life in women with chronic low back pain
Pilates programs are widely used as a form of regular exercise in a broad range of populations investigating their effectiveness for chronic low back pain (CLBP) treatment...
Brachytherapy is a cancer treatment in which a seed containing an ionizing radiation source is implanted directly within the tumour. The localized nature of brachytherapy...
Does phototherapy enhance skeletal muscle contractile function and postexercise recovery?
Recently, researchers have shown that phototherapy administered to skeletal muscle immediately before resistance exercise can enhance contractile function, prevent exercise...
Soon after the discovery of lasers in the 1960s it was realized that laser therapy had the potential to improve wound healing and reduce pain, inflammation and swelling. In...
Falls and fall-related injuries are a major public health concern for postmenopausal women. Fear of falling, impairments in gait and postural control, and changes in body...
Yoga is a multifaceted spiritual tool with enhanced health and well-being as one of its positive effects. The components of yoga which are very commonly applied for health...
If you’re a wellness lover like us, there’s a good chance you’ve heard about infrared sauna treatments. Or, more realistically, you’ve probably seen...
How to Use Red and Near-Infrared Light Therapy for Anti-Aging, Fat Loss, Muscle Gain, Performance Enhancement, and Brain Optimization BOOK...
BOOK DESCRIPTION: Supercharge your Health Without Negative Side Effects! Imagine a world without toxic drugs and endless lists of side effects. A...
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Wondering what Red Light and Near Infrared Light Therapy is all about? Red and near-infrared light are part of the electromagnetic spectrum, and more...
Here is a quick overview of Red Light Therapy devices you can buy through our affiliate link plus additional information on how to use the devices...